The Importance of Freshly Roasted Coffee

Coffee beans poured from a container

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and for good reason. Not only does it provide a quick pick-me-up, but it also has a rich and complex flavour that can be enjoyed in countless ways. However, for coffee to taste its best, it needs to be consumed within a certain timeframe after roasting. This blog post will explore why freshly roasted coffee is so important and why you should only drink coffee within 28 days of roasting.

The Science of Coffee: How Roasting Affects TasteA man roasting coffee and looking at the coffee profile

The flavour of coffee is determined by a variety of factors, including the type of beans used, the altitude at which they were grown, and the way they were processed. However, one of the most important factors is the roasting process. When coffee beans are roasted, they undergo a series of chemical reactions that bring out their unique flavours and aromas. As the beans cool, they release gases that contribute to the coffee’s aroma and taste.

How Exposure to Air Affects your Coffee’s Flavour: The Role of Oxygen

Coffee being poured out of a container

After roasting, coffee beans begin to lose their flavour as they are exposed to oxygen. This is because the gases that give coffee its unique aroma and taste begin to dissipate as soon as the beans are cooled. The longer the beans are exposed to oxygen, the more flavour they lose. This is why freshly roasted coffee is so important – the beans are at their peak flavour immediately after roasting.

Why Freshly Roasted Coffee is Key: The 28-Day Rule

Experts recommend that coffee should be consumed within 28 days of roasting. This is because, after 28 days, the beans have lost much of their flavour and aroma. However, this doesn’t mean that the coffee will be bad after 28 days – it simply won’t taste as good as it would if it were consumed sooner.

How to Store Coffee for Maximum Freshness

To ensure that your coffee stays fresh, it’s important to store it properly. The best way to store coffee is in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing coffee in the refrigerator or freezer, as the humidity and temperature fluctuations can damage the beans. Always check the roast date before purchasing if you’re not sure when your coffee was roasted.

your local coffee roastersIn conclusion, freshly roasted coffee is key to experiencing the full range of flavours and aromas that coffee has to offer. By consuming coffee within 28 days of roasting, you’ll be able to taste the unique and complex flavours that make coffee such a beloved beverage.


While it may take a bit of effort to ensure that your coffee is always fresh, the taste is worth it. Next time you’re enjoying a cup of coffee, take a moment to appreciate the hard work that went into growing and roasting those beans and savour the taste of freshness.


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