The Ultimate Guide to Mastering French Press Coffee at Home


Why Choose French Press?

Welcome, coffee lovers! Today, we’re delving into the world of French Press coffee – a brewing method cherished for its rich and full-bodied flavour. Whether you’re well-versed in French Press brewing or just beginning, this guide will help you perfect your technique and enjoy coffee shop quality brews right at home.

French Press Coffee Graphic - Brewing Guide

French Press brewing is distinct because it allows coffee oils and fine particles to pass through the filter, providing a richer, more robust cup. This method is perfect for those who savour a bolder coffee experience.

Selecting the Right Coffee Beans

  • Types of Beans: Arabica beans are often preferred for their smooth, mild flavour, providing a nuanced experience.
  • Roast Levels: Light, medium, or dark – the choice affects the flavour profile, from acidic and bright to rich and bold.
  • Freshness: Fresh beans are essential. Use beans within two to four weeks of roasting for optimal flavour.
  • Grind Size: A coarse grind is vital for French Press to avoid over-extraction and sediment.

The Perfect Coffee-to-Water Ratio

  • A standard ratio is 60g of coffee to 1L of water. Adjust according to your taste preference and the size of your French Press.

Brewing Your French Press Coffee

French Press Coffee Graphic - Brewing Guide

  1. Preheat your French Press with hot water.
  2. Measure and grind your beans.
  3. Add coffee to the French Press.
  4. Pour hot water (around 93°C) over the grounds.
  5. Stir gently and let it bloom for about 30 seconds.
  6. Fill with remaining water and stir.
  7. Steep for 4 minutes. Adjust time for stronger or lighter brews.
  8. Press slowly and pour immediately to avoid bitterness.

Tips for a Perfect Brew

  • Use filtered water for a cleaner taste.
  • Preheat your mug for a consistently warm cup.
  • Experiment with steeping times (between 4 to 6 minutes) to find your ideal brew strength.

Cleaning Your French Press

  • A simple rinse and scrub after each use will keep your French Press in perfect condition.

Pouring Perfection: Concluding Your French Press Journey

Mastering French Press coffee is a journey worth taking for any coffee enthusiast. By following these steps and experimenting with different blends or single-origin coffees from Rebel Roasters, you’ll unlock a world of rich, flavourful coffee that can easily become a highlight of your daily routine.

Brew Like a Pro: Get Your Hands on Rebel Roasters Coffee Beans

Ready to elevate your coffee game? Try out these tips with Rebel Roasters’ premium coffee beans, perfect for French Press brewing. Share your brewing experiences and favourite blends with us!